Vocabulary Bookmark

Vocabulary Bookmark

 Please visit my classroom website for  printable version of the Vocabulary Bookmark--http://classroom.wisd.org/webs/jbowens/



















Maureen McLaughlin (2010), creator of the vocabulary bookmark technique contends that it helps students take ownership of their own learning by choosing a word from their reading to learn and share with other students. 


  1. A student chooses a word and writes the word, what he/she believes the word means, and the page number where the word is located. The following steps have been outlined by McLaughlin for guiding students in how to use the technique. 
  2. Explain the purpose of the technique: to monitor text comprehension and for the discussion of new words as the class discusses the text
  3. Model by thinking-aloud how the vocabulary bookmark should be used. 
  4. Allow students to practice in groups or partnerships. After this practice session, students discuss their words and proposed meanings.  At this time, a dictionary may be used to clarify and/or verify word meanings. 
  5. Individual practice, with discussion and dictionary clarification/verification
  6. Finally, give students an opportunity to discuss how this technique may help them across learning situations.